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这 time calculator will help you understand how you are organizing your time 在典型的一周中. 

  1. Enter the number of credits you are taking. The calculator will automatically calculate your class and study time, based on two 小时 of study per hour in class. If you have any science courses, you'll want to strive for t深入分析 小时. 
  2. Enter the number of 小时 you spend on other activities. The calculator assumes that you will be getting eight 小时 of sleep each night. 
  3. Adjust你 time 根据需要, b根据你的结果, to achieve a positive and sustainable work/life balance. Small changes can help you organize your time 更有效地!

Enter the number of 小时 to see your weekly schedule.

How can I organize my time and be more productive?

Creating an organization system that works for you is key in managing your time well. 以下是一些建议:

  • At the beginning of each semester, add all important dates, assignments and exams to your calendar.
  • Before the beginning of a new week, take some time to go over what you have due and make a plan/to-do list to accomplish your tasks. 例如, if you have a paper due on Friday, what can you plan to do each day so that your paper is completed by the deadline?
  • Be specific when you plan. 而不是 of writing down “study for Biology”, write down “review chapter 12 textbook and quiz questions for Biology exam”. 
  • Plan to work on more than one subject a day to avoid burnout.
  • For your most difficult courses, plan to review and study information at least 3-4 times a week.
  • Make sure to schedule time to do your class readings to better understand the material.
  • 为考试, plan to start studying two weeks in advance, and add chapters you want to cover each day to your calendar. 这里有一个例子. 
How can I stop procrastinating?

There are a few reasons for procrastinating. Check to see if you identify with the reasons below and review the suggested strategies.

Reason 1: The task is overwhelming

Practice breaking up large tasks into smaller, specific tasks. When planning for a big research paper, for example, avoid writing down “work on paper”. 而不是, think about creating a list of steps to complete your paper (for example, 回顾3篇文章, 撰写论文陈述, 写介绍…). 

Reason 2: I seem to always run out of time

这 typically happens because of poor time management. The first step is to create a system for staying organized (planner or virtual calendar). 我们的 academic success team members can help you organize your activities into a system that works for you!

Reason 3: I have a hard time getting started

Try the Pomodoro technique! 以下是如何做到这一点:

  1. Make a list of things to get done today and choose a task to work on first
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes
  3. 工作 on the task for the set time with no distractions (no peeking at your phone either!)
  4. When the timer goes off, take a 5 minute break.
  5. Repeat this 4 times for 2 小时 of focused time! Take a longer 15-30 minute break after.

The Academic Success Center

Wilson Hall, Suite 1100
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4215