课程安排 & 测试
Incoming students may need to complete a placement process to determine their first course in writing, mathematics and modern language/American Sign Language. Read below to determine if you need to complete a placement process. If so, these should be completed before your orientation.
* 的 University reserves the right to change placement criteria at any time.
For writing placement, most students will complete the 写作安置问卷. Students are exempt from this process if they meet one or more of the following criteria:
- SAT 写作 or Evidence-Based Reading and 写作 score of 620 or higher
- ACT英语成绩28分或以上
- AP English and Language Composition score of 3 or higher
- International Baccalaureate Extended Essay (IBEE) test grade of B or higher
- Course from another institution deemed equivalent to WRT 1050 or WRT 1060
如果你不符合以上任何一个标准, 请填写写作安排问卷 如果可能的话,至少在入职前一周.
重要提示: students can only 取 写作安置问卷 once.
- 如果你的 intended major is math/science, health sciences, education, business or engineering, you are strongly encouraged to submit SAT/ACT scores or complete the 数学分班考试. 遵循 一步一步的指导 参加ALEKS PPL数学分班评估.
- 查看 布局图 to determine your math placement based on your SAT/ACT score and/or 数学分班考试 score. 如果你对你的数学成绩不满意, you have the option to re/attempt OU’s 数学分班考试 up to five times to try to place at a higher level.
有关其他数学课程信息,请访问 Department of Mathematics and Statistics Placement and Prerequisites page. If possible, please complete the placement assessment at least a week before your orientation.
重要提示: students can 取 math placement test up to five times.
十大菠菜台子 has a language requirement for all students as a part of the general education curriculum. Students who have taken a college-level language class at an accredited institution have satisfied this requirement. Read below about placement testing for modern languages or American Sign Language.
Students needing the language placement exam are those who have no previous college coursework in a language, 但必须有高中的中文课程, 法国, 德国 or Spanish and who intend to satisfy the language requirement by continuing in this language.
Students with no previous high school or college-level language experience do not need this test.
如果你学过法语, 德国, Chinese or Spanish in high school and wish to continue in that language at Oakland, 取 网上分班考试 在定向之前,使用密码grizzlies1. Remember to bring a copy of your results with you to orientation.
如果你学过日语或阿拉伯语,请联系 现代语言文学系 电话:(248)370-2060或到O'Dowd Hall 372室.
没有接受过正式美国手语训练的学生, 在日常生活中不用美国手语, 或者有一年的高中美国手语, do not need to schedule a placement interview and can enroll into COM 1500 – Introduction to American Sign Language. Students interested in placement into COM 1501 and higher are required to schedule a placement interview.
To schedule an appointment for assessment, email the Communication Program and ASL Coordinator, Dr. 罗伯特斜着, at (电子邮件保护) 附下列资料:
- If you have had two or more years in high school (no college or university ASL courses), submit your transcripts and relevant course syllabi (if appropriate).
- If you have an extensive ASL background and use ASL in daily life but have not taken any formal courses, please provide details in your email about your background and experience with ASL.
All new students are placed into a mathematics class based on their SAT或ACT数学分项成绩或通过填写 数学分班评估 (亚历克斯PPL). Please review the chart below to determine your math placement.
有关其他数学课程信息,请访问 Department of Mathematics and Statistics Placement and Prerequisites page.
“数学”的得分 | 亚历克斯PPL安置分数 | OU数学安置 |
坐:0 - 480 行为:0 17 |
[0, 29] (或成功完成) 传统数学分班考试的“E”测试) |
MTH 0661**(初级 |
坐:490 - 530 行为:21 |
[30, 45] (或成功完成) 传统数学分班测试(I) |
MTH 0662**(中级 代数) OR 以上所列课程 |
坐:540 - 650 行为:27 |
[46, 60] (或成功完成) |
MTH 1221(线性规划,初等函数) OR 以上所列课程 |
坐:660 - 800 ACT: 28或 |
[61, 75] (或成功完成) |
OR MTH 1332(三角学) |
坐:660 - 800 ACT: 28或 |
[76, 100] |
OR |
** No more than 16 credits in courses numbered 0050-0099 may count toward graduation requirements.
To fulfill 十大菠菜台子’s general education writing foundations requirement, students must complete WRT 1060(成分II) or its equivalent with a C or higher.
的 写作安置问卷 开放大学培养学生写作的主要方式是什么. We also accept other placement options, including test scores and transfer credits if needed. We place students into the highest writing course allowed following the placement criteria below.
关于课程 | 新生的主要安置选择 | 为选定人群提供额外的安置选择 |
WRT 1020(基础写作) | WRT 1020写作安置问卷结果 |
WRT 1050(成分一) | 写作安置问卷 WRT 1050的结果 |
WRT 1060(成分II) |
写作基础及格* |
*Students receive four credits that satisfy the general education writing foundation requirement, 相当于WRT 1060.