
OU Administrative Policies
and Procedures

371 Wilson Blvd., Suite 4000
Rochester , MI 48309-4482
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425 Broadcast Text Messaging


RATIONALE: Text messaging is a method of communication that Oakland University (University) may utilize to communicate with the University community. 消息可以传递给广播分发、目标组或个人. 广播文本通信必须遵守联邦通信委员会的规定, industry standards, and campus protocols. This policy is intended to provide guidelines for the appropriate use of Broadcast Text Messaging.


  1. 用于紧急情况和应急准备目的, 该大学将使用广播短信向所有学生提供信息, faculty and staff, as well as others affiliated with the university who electively register to receive such messages.  但那些先前已采取行动“选择退出”接收此类通知的人除外. 
  2. 用于紧急情况和应急准备目的以外的所有广播短信, an individual must "opt-in" (called "Prior Consent") to receive a Broadcast Text Message by electing to receive the message on a web site or document.  对于特定的消息意图,需要选择加入.e., an individual cannot opt-in for campus events information and get Broadcast Text Messages about registration).  
  3. Any Authorized University Office can send one voice and one text content Broadcast Text Message to a phone number for the intended opt-in purpose.  If, after that communication, the University is notified that the individual no longer wishes to receive Broadcast Text Messages, the University office or department must remove the individual from all future Broadcast Text Message deliveries for that purpose.
  4. Any Authorized University Office must periodically check phone numbers designated to receive Broadcast Text Messages for validity to an individual. There are external services that can be purchased to check the numbers or senders can send requests asking individuals to verify that they wish to continue to receive messages. 此步骤确保记录中的号码仍然与记录中的人员相关联. 如果记录的号码不再登记给记录的人, 这个号码必须从以后的所有交货中删除.
  5. 接收信息的个人可能会被收取发送或接收信息的费用, 根据个人移动服务提供商的条款. 大学不负责任何个人的费用.
  6. 广播短信通常应限制在单个文本中包含完整的信息, 一般不超过160个字符.
  7. 大学不承担任何延迟接收任何广播短信的责任.
  8. Broadcast Text Messages must not be used as the sole means of communicating an essential message or announcement. An essential message is defined as content that is urgent in nature or where time is of the essence.
  9. OU OU AP&P #870 Software Regulations 获得短信服务必须遵循的规定.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: 所有来自授权大学办公室的广播短信, or from any authorized University employee acting in a professional capacity on behalf of the University, are covered by this policy. Broadcast Text Messages are intended to provide an additional channel for desired communications.  紧急情况和应急准备通信除外, the purpose of sending Broadcast Text Messages should match the recipient’s expectations for the message content as outlined at the time an individual opts-in to receive Broadcast Text Messages.   


广播短信和广播短信: 发送给大量受众的单向短信, 不是为了产生回应,也不是为了进行个人的私人对话.  然而,实现的系统可能支持后续对话.

紧急情况和应急准备目的:  Communication objectives limited to the following - imminent threats to the health and safety of individuals on campus, 包括但不限于危险人物, threats of violence or harm, severe weather, fire, and exposure to hazardous materials or contagious illness; as well as unanticipated university closures, 全校范围内的课程取消, 宣布雪灾紧急情况和广播短信系统测试.  

Prior Consent: 在事件发生之前给予的许可,用于解释消息传递的意图, 并在数据库中保存许可记录.  在本政策中,“选择加入”一词表示“事先同意”.

Text Messages: 通过消息传递服务发送的电子消息, 通常从一个手机或手机信息服务发送到另一个单独的手机. Messages are usually text, but some technologies also support voice, image, and video messages. For the purpose of this policy, text, voice, image, 和视频信息统称为短信.

Authorized University Office: 部门副总裁授权的办公室和/或部门.


Authorized University Offices may use Broadcast Text Messaging after obtaining approval of a communications plan by University Communications and Marketing (UCM). 例子包括但不限于传递有关录取的信息, 学术要求或截止日期, registration information, course cancellation, billing, financial aid and other matters that are time sensitive and necessary for enrollment and student success.

Authorized University Offices, in collaboration with UCM, must appoint at least one official who will be responsible for monitoring and approving Broadcast Text Messaging requests on behalf of their department to ensure compliance with the following:

  1. 用于紧急情况和应急准备目的, the university will maintain a regularly updated list of broadcast text message recipient phone numbers in order to ensure that such messages reach all in the intended audience and are not received by individuals with no connection to the university.  
  2. 紧急情况和应急准备通信目的除外, individuals must provide Prior Consent to receive Broadcast Text Messages and ensure their contact information held by the University is current.
  3. 授权官员必须遵守有关内容的所有其他政策, as well as ensure the following:
    1. Content is accurate.
    2. Wording is appropriate.
    3. 语气是随意但专业的,在需要回应的时候以一个问题结束.
    4. List of recipients is correct.
    5. Information within the Broadcast Text Message is directly related to the individual and/or their studies.
    6. Broadcast Text Message clearly states the action that the individual needs to take or how the information impacts the individual and who to contact for additional information.
    7. Number of Broadcast Text Messages received by an individual should be appropriate to ensure he/she will continue to regard the Broadcast Text Messages as important information.
    8. 广播短信是在动作或活动有足够时间的情况下发送的.
    9. 定期验证用于发送广播短信的电话号码.
    10. Immediate removal of individuals who remove Prior Consent by requesting removal or through delivery failure of a Broadcast Text Message.
  4. Broadcast Text Messaging must not be used as the sole means of communicating an essential message or announcement. 广播短信必须有其他通讯手段的补充, such as an email or paper notice, to ensure that all individuals, 包括那些没有选择加入的人, receive the message. Broadcast Text Messaging must NOT be used for the following:
    1. 交流个人或机密信息.  
    2. 向大量人口发送一般的非紧急信息(如.g., "Fall classes start Monday!").
    3. Personal matters (e.g.、出售物品、告别信).
    4. 代表个人或学生团体的申诉(e.g., to attend social, cultural or sporting events, 除非个人选择接收关于这些主题的短信).
    5. Sending any social security numbers, passwords, payment card numbers, or any FERPA protected data.  These are strictly prohibited.
  5. All Broadcast Text Messages must be tagged with the appropriate identifier so recipients can immediately recognize the Broadcast Text Message sender.  For example, 如果授权官员正在发送初始广播文本消息, open with, "Hi, 我是公开大学招生办的克里斯·史密斯."  On subsequent communications, 授权官员可以在广播测试信息末尾签名:“-克里斯·史密斯, OU Admissions."  
  6. Broadcast Text Messages should be as concise as possible (while still maintaining a conversational tone when appropriate) and should address the individual directly (e.g. "Your OU financial aid form is due on Friday," rather than, "Financial aid forms are due on Friday."). 应包括要点,如有需要,还应包括进一步的说明(例如.g. 查看你的电子邮件了解详细信息."). 
  7. Abbreviations and common messaging lingo may be used as deemed appropriate for the audience or situation.
  8. University Technology Services must approve all messaging services and all messaging software.


OU AP&P #482 University Closing

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OU AP&P #605 Executive Policy Group 

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